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10/29/2020 - County Commissioners Present Scholarship to CCTEC Recipient of the Investors Foundation Scholarship Program

The Cumberland County Commissioner Board congratulates Jassidy Cotto as the 2020 Cumberland County recipient of the Investors Foundation Scholarship Program with a $500 scholarship.  The Investors Bank through the Investors Foundation recently awarded the NJAC Foundation a grant of $21,000 for county vocational-technical school graduates who plan to continue their education at a county college or state college or university (distributing two $500 scholarships to each 21 counties).

CCTEC recommended Jassidy Cotto for the scholarship and stated that she will be continuing her education in Allied Health - Physician's Assistant Program of Study at Rowan College of South Jersey - Cumberland Campus.

Pictured from left to right: Commissioner Carol Musso and Jassidy Cotto


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