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2/18/2014 - March 1 - Dr. Seuss birthday party at county library

Cumberland County Library Children’s Program

Birthday Party for Dr. Seuss

Saturday, March 1st at 11am the Cumberland County Library will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday! Children and their families are invited to join us for a fun event of reading, crafts, and cake!

Before the story, Mrs. Melody is going to tell the children a little bit about who Dr. Seuss was and why we celebrate him. The Cat in the Hat will join Mrs. Melody in reading: The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss. The Cat in the Hat will read  in English and Spanish!

After the story, children are going to be making Thing one and Thing two hats using construction paper. Children will love this silly craft! Following the story and craft, everyone is going to sing Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss and have cake!


After the party, check out a Dr. Seuss book, Cumberland County Library is a wonderful resource for books in English and Spanish.


Cumberland County Library is located at 800 E. Commerce St. (Route 49), Bridgeton, NJ.  Call 856-453-2210 ext. 101 for further information.





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